Saturday, April 17, 2010

Roger Mann Defends the Deity of Christ Against Neo-Nestorians

The following debate is ongoing at the God's Hammer blog, which is owned by Sean Gerety.  Just when you thought the Federal Vision heresy was bad another even worse heresy raises its ugly head.  It's called Nestorianism.  The heresy of Nestorianism in essence denies that the incarnation ever took place and instead asserts that there is no union of the divine nature and the human nature in the one person, Jesus Christ.  The orthodox doctrine is that the Logos or the Word became flesh, that the Second Person of the Trinity assumed a human soul into the Godhead and literally became a human being like us.  That's a radical thought.  Apparently so radical that it has the unregenerate frothing at the mouth.  But there is one brother who is willing to stand against the pagans who deny the very deity and humanity of Jesus Christ.  Thank God for Roger Mann who is unwilling to cave in to the personal attacks and the fallacious arguments.
See the remarks here:

Roger Mann said on W. Gary Crampton on the Incarnation

April 16, 2010 at 1:10 pm

lawyertheologian wrote,

I said the unity is inexplainable because there doesn't appear to be anything that could unite the two persons, as there is in the Trinity. That is why I think Robbins, from the quote Sean provided, simply spoke of it as a unique "relationship".

The so-called "unity" of the two-person heresy is "inexplainable" because it doesn't exist (and the yet the orthodox view is derided as mystical nonsense — go figure!). The three Persons of the Trinity are united in the one divine nature. But there isn't one common nature that a "divine Person" and a distinct "human person" can be united in. At best, all you have is a "divine Person" indwelling a distinct "human person" in a fleshly body, in direct opposition to Scripture: "And the Logos [the Second Person of the Trinity] became flesh" (John 1:14) — that is, assumed a complete human nature, thus becoming a true man. " The Logos didn't merely take up residence in a man; He became a man. It was the divine Logos, who, "being in the form of God [i.e., the very nature of God], did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant [i.e., the very nature of a man], and coming in the likeness of men…" (Philippians 2:6-7). Yet, the two-person heresy explicitly denies that the divine Logos ever became a man, that He ever assumed human nature, that He ever grew in wisdom, suffered, and died on the Cross. No matter how you try to define "person" in such a view, it is heretical, plain and simple.

See all comments on this post here.


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