Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sean's Further Irrational Speculations

Sean Gerety said:
 Both persons fully participate in both the divine and human natures so as to make them one Christ, not two. This way Jesus can say that before Abraham was "I AM," and also say that he was born as a human baby from a carpenter's wife in Bethlehem.  [God's Hammer:  Crampton].
So let me get this straight, Sean.  You have to have two persons to keep from violating the impassibility of the divine but then you break your own objection by having two persons that participate in hypostatic union with the two natures instead of one person who is two natures hypostatically united?  That's a brilliant solution.  But there is only one problem.  Now you have two persons in hypostatic union with the two natures.  So maybe you can have two Christs and both are a hypostatic unity?  But wait, which one of your hypostatic unities suffers on the cross and is separated from God?
Really, Sean, your lack of charity backfires when you then resort to the orthodox position to justify your two persons view.  How is that rational?
  Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the Holy Ghost;
    Answer. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen.

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