Defends the Gospel of Jesus Christ and classical confessional Calvinism. The term "Reformed" refers to the five solas of the Reformation and the two classical confessional standards: the Three Forms of Unity, and the Westminster Standards. Isaiah 1:18; Romans 12:1,2.
A true grammarian would know that in common usage verbs can be used as substantives. "Quotation" is passive voice and needlessly distracting. "Quote" is much more concise and to the point and less wordy. But so much for word choice I suppose?
Dictionary.Com refutes you, by the way. Definition 9. and 10. say that "quote" can and is correctly used as a noun or substantive just as I said above:
Yes, it does seem to be past your ability to read and understand even basic dictionary entries. Even the Collins says that the informal use of "quote" is interchangeable with "quotation".
Try something else. Your understanding of even basic grammar and lexical information is a bit lacking.
Having studied both Greek and Hebrew grammar indepth my understanding of English grammar has been enhanced.
Definition of QUOTE 1 : quotation 2 : quotation mark —often used orally to indicate the beginning of a direct quotation See quote defined for English-language learners » Examples of QUOTE
1. Each chapter of the book began with an inspirational quote. 2. She included quotes from the poem in her essay. 3. The article included quotes from the mayor and several councilors.
I'd have thought that a pedant would know this is a quotation. Quote is a verb.
ReplyDeleteA true grammarian would know that in common usage verbs can be used as substantives. "Quotation" is passive voice and needlessly distracting. "Quote" is much more concise and to the point and less wordy. But so much for word choice I suppose?
ReplyDeleteDictionary.Com refutes you, by the way. Definition 9. and 10. say that "quote" can and is correctly used as a noun or substantive just as I said above:
a quotation.
quotation mark.
See quote.
You are right, of course, but doesn't it grate? :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd as for using That's like relying on F7 to be the arbitor of spelling. :-)
From a proper dictionary...
Collins: English Dictionary Definition (Meaning) of quote
(quoting, quoted)
1. to repeat (words) exactly from (an earlier work, speech, or conversation), usually with an acknowledgment of their source,
2. to state a price for goods or a job of work,
3. to put quotation marks round (words)
1. (Informal) a quotation,
◇ quotes Informal (Informal) quotation marks,
an expression used to indicate that the words that follow are a quotation,
Medieval Latin quotare to assign reference numbers to passages
◇ adj quotable
Yes, it does seem to be past your ability to read and understand even basic dictionary entries. Even the Collins says that the informal use of "quote" is interchangeable with "quotation".
ReplyDeleteTry something else. Your understanding of even basic grammar and lexical information is a bit lacking.
Having studied both Greek and Hebrew grammar indepth my understanding of English grammar has been enhanced.
I'm amazed that any of your tutors at your "esteemed" almae matres would have let you use such vernacular !
ReplyDeleteI'm even more amazed that you think you've caught me in a grammatical error:) hahaha
ReplyDeleteBrit, you don't seem to understand grammar very well.
ReplyDelete2. quote noun
Definition of QUOTE
: quotation
: quotation mark —often used orally to indicate the beginning of a direct quotation
See quote defined for English-language learners »
Examples of QUOTE
1. Each chapter of the book began with an inspirational quote.
2. She included quotes from the poem in her essay.
3. The article included quotes from the mayor and several councilors.
Seeing as it was just up the road from you, I wondered whether you attended this conference?
It is the Arminian who is arrogant since Arminians take part of the glory due only to God and assign it to themselves: read "synergism".
ReplyDeleteCalvinists who are consistent know that God owes them NOTHING. How you can say that is arrogance is beyond me.
God can and does strike people dead for their rebellion. Read the book of Acts sometime.