Friday, September 13, 2013

Is the Bible Literally True and Inerrant? Audio Book: The Battle for the Bible, by Harold Lindsell

Probably the most important book of the twentieth century is Harold Lindsell's book, The Battle for the Bible.  Sermon Audio has the entire book posted as an audio book.  Although I prefer reading myself, audio books are good for listening when you have to walk, exercise or do other tasks.

I highly recommend this book as it significant background for the demise of Fuller Seminary when Daniel Fuller, George Eldon Ladd and others changed their position on inerrancy and decided that the Bible was not fully inerrant in everything it said.  Their view as that inerrancy only applied to salvation history, the theological conceptions and propositions relating to doctrine and practice.  According to them inerrancy is limited in nature and does not extend to the history, science, mathematics, geography, biography, and other matters in Scripture.  Obviously this opens the door to saying that Adam and Eve were no historical persons, that the world flood never occurred, etc. 

Unfortunately, this cascades into a host of other skeptical conclusions such as egalitarianism and homosexuality as the late Paul K. Jewett, also a professor at Fuller Seminary, demonstrates.  The original founders of Fuller did not subscribe to the later views espoused by "Neo-Evangelicals" like Daniel Fuller, George Ladd, and Paul Jewett.  The founders of the Neo-Evangelical movement were men like Carl F. H. Henry, Gleason Archer, Harold Lindsell and Charles Fuller.  

Although some would include Dr. Gordon H. Clark in the Neo-Evangelical camp here, I am not sure that I could agree since Clark himself said that Calvinism defines what Christianity is.  For Dr. Clark the Westminster Confession of Faith defines Christianity.  That could hardly be called "broad Evangelicalism." 

As Dr. Lindsell points out in this book, the National Association of Evangelicals at one time held to a strict view of biblical inerrancy and infallibility.  That is no longer the case today.

The latest defections from biblical inerrancy are Dr. Bruce Waltke and Tim Keller.  And, if these two prominent "Reformed" figures are any indication, there are others who have not yet come out of the closet.  Did I mention that Tremper Longman III once taught at Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia?  He outright rejects biblical inerrancy now.  (See YouTube:  Is There a Historical Adam?)  Longman is obviously an agnostic and a skeptic and no longer believes that the Bible is inerrant in the creation accounts.

I highly recommend that you either purchase Dr. Lindsell's book or at least listen to the audio here:

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