Thursday, October 03, 2013

Neo-Liberalism in the OPC?

The Trinity Review ( September/October 2005, Numbers 247 and 248 Trinity Review - 247, 248 - The Marks Of Neo - Liberalism) posted part of Paul Elliott's book, Christianity and Neo-Liberalism:  The Spiritual Crisis in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and Beyond, namely an excerpt from chapter two:
Using the word “neo-liberalism” in the same sentence with the name “Orthodox Presbyterian Church” violates a widely accepted but false paradigm held by the vast majority in the OPC.1 They believe that their denomination remains a bastion of conservative theology. They reject the idea that liberalism of any description could have gained a foothold in the OPC, much less have come to seriously corrupt it.

In this paradigm, liberalism by definition exists only outside the denomination – among “them,” but certainly not among “us.” Other denominations, including the PCUSA, from which the OPC emerged, deserve to be called liberal, but there are no liberals in the OPC. So, by definition, this paradigm says that there can be no liberal-conservative struggle within the OPC.

- See more at: The Marks of Neo-Liberalism, by Paul M. Elliott

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