Dr. Paul Elliott has rightly said that the Presbyterian Church in America keeps erasing the line in the sand and moving it back a step. It's analogous to President Obama's continuing to erase the lines in the sand that he drew when Russia started its overt aggression against Ukraine. The problem with the PCA, as with the PCUSA and the Auburn Affirmation in the 1920s, is that it has failed to stand against heresy in its own ranks. Only this time, according to Dr. Elliott, the issue is the Federal Vision error:
A policy of accommodation — the policy of most so-called conservatives within the PCA almost from its founding — is nothing but appeasement of the enemies of the cross of Christ. Appeasement, unchecked, leads inevitably to surrender. Surrender means bondage — bondage to the tyranny and spiritual death propagated by the heretics, not only for misguided “conservative” pastors and elders who remain in the PCA, but moreover for the flocks that God has entrusted to their care.
To read the entire article, click here: The PCA's Apostasy: No More Lines in the Sand
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