Monday, December 21, 2015

Bibleworks 10, First Review

I have recently received a review copy of Bibleworks 10.  I will be using the new software and reviewing the improvements in the coming weeks.  The first thing I like about the new program is the new look and the colors.  From all appearances the basic operation of the software is the same with the search engines and the browser windows.  So if you are used to Bibleworks 8 or 9 version 10 will not be a huge learning curve for you.

The main thing that I noticed in the new version is that it comes with the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament 28th Edition (Novum Testamentum Graece, 28th Revised Edition).  The apparatus for textual criticism, however, does not come with Bibleworks 10 but must be purchased as an add-on.  For $149.00 or so you get the Nestle-Aland 28th Revised Edition with the textual criticism apparatus as an addon.  For the same price you get the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with the textual apparatus ($149.00).  But you can purchase the combined modules for $199.00 with the full textual criticism apparatuses for both.  The purchase price for the base package for the Bibleworks 10 software is $389.00.  If you are upgrading from an earlier version, the upgrade price is $189.00.

Compared to the Logos Bible software this a much better bargain for the money for theological students and serious scholars of the Bible.  The ability to do exegetical work and textual critical studies is enhanced.  Also, the speed of the software and search engine is not hampered by overly burdensome graphics and other issues that slow down your cpu processing or graphics card processing.  

There is a bit of a learning curve for new users but overall the program is easy to use.  Another thing I liked about the program is that it comes on a flash card instead of CDs.  It is much faster to install for that reason alone.  Also, I had downloaded and installed several free addons  for background information including the Westminster Standards and the Three Forms of Unity.  These were automatically added to Bibleworks 10 without having to do that work all over again.  I'm sure this is true for any of the other free downloads at the Bibleworks site.

Please take a few minutes to visit the Bibleworks site and watch a few of the videos that demonstrate the versatility of the search engine and other features.  I have been using Bibleworks since version 8 and so far I like the performance and speed of the software.  Since I do online debating, Bibleworks produces almost instant results for the cross referencing, topical references, in text references for the various Bible versions, etc.  Also, the Westminster Standards is cross referenced with hyperlinks that for all practical purposes harmonizes the WCS for easy reference during an online debate.  If only this feature were worked out for the Three Forms of Unity as well.

Keep watching for more review articles in the coming days and weeks.  I am eager to try out some of the other features and most likely will be purchasing and reviewing the BHS and NA28 with textual apparatuses soon.

May the peace of Christ be with you,


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