Friday, February 19, 2016

Bibleworks 10: Basic Conconcordance Searches and Master Cross References

I started out using Bibleworks 8.  I've also used version 9.  Now with version 10 there are a few improvements that allow you to separate the browse window into two different windows for different functions.  However, what I like most about Bibleworks 10 and previous versions is the ease of use in regards to basic verse searches and the master cross references displayed in the analysis window.  I've been reading the Bible since I was 6 years old, mostly in the King James Version.  So I have lots of verses in my remote memory but cannot always remember exactly where to find the verse.  But with the speed of Bibleworks 10's search engine I can usually find the verse in question within a matter of moments.

I'm no expert at boolean searches.  My boolean searches come from my own knowledge of the Bible.  However, the master cross references in the analysis window on the right greatly facilitates my own memory.  If I can remember one verse I can then point to that verse in the browse window with the mouse or touch pad and a whole list of cross references will appear on the right in the analysis window.

Using the search window I can search for any of the words I remember from the KJV or a phrase from the KJV using either the dot search or the single quotation mark search to find what I'm looking for.  Then I can compare other translations of the verse in the browse window.  I can also compare various Greek texts of the passage in the eclectic text platforms or the Byzantine majority text platforms in the New Testament.

For those who are students of Greek exegesis or Hebrew exegesis, it is also possible to search for root words from the lexicon entries or search for particular verb forms or noun forms of words.  I don't utilize these features as much because I don't do as much formal exegesis as I once did.  However, it is much easier and faster to do exegetical work with Bibleworks 10 because of the speed of the search engine results.  The key is learning how to utilize the boolean searches and the proper syntax of the functions.

Textual criticism is available with the base package but to utilize the most up to date features for textual criticism, you would need to buy the add on modules for the New Testament and the Hebrew Old Testament:

Stuttgart Original Languages Module (Old and New Testament) (SOLM)

I will post another article later about the textual criticism tools that come with the original package.  These are mostly New Testament tools, though.


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