Sunday, September 13, 2015

Did Jesus Have Two Minds?

"In the case of God Incarnate, we must recognize something like two distinct ranges of consciousness. … The divine mind of God the Son contained, but was not contained by, his earthly mind, or range of consciousness. That is to say, there was what can be called an asymmetric accessing relation between the two minds." (pp. 102-3)  Thomas Morris

I have not read Thomas Morris' book, The Logic of God Incarnate.  However, I have read Dr. Gordon H. Clark's book, The Incarnation.  Morris' book makes Dr. Clark's book much more understandable.  Dr. Clark died before finishing his last book, The Incarnation.  I wonder if he would have agreed with Thomas Morris?  I am almost certain that he would.  However, the following blog article criticizes Morris and accuses him of Nestorianism, the same thing Dr. Clark is falsely accused of:

In my analysis what Morris has suggested is a noetic version of the classical doctrine of the extra Calvinisticum. In this way the fathers, and later the Reformed tradition, argued that the divine Word of God is both fully present within the life of the human Jesus and also outside that flesh (etiam extra carnem).  Jesus is fully the Word of God made flesh — but the Word is not so restricted in His infinite existence that He sets aside divine attributes (as in kenoticism) or temporarily vacates the throne of heaven, from which He rules and continually sustains the universe (cf. Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:3).  In the same way, on Morris’ view, the divine mind is personally united with the human mind but not contained by it.

Darren Summer:  Does Jesus Have Two Minds?  Thomas Morris On the Incarnation.

I highly recommend that the critics read Dr. Clark's book, The Trinity, and his book, The Incarnation.  I will be purchasing and reading Morris' book soon.  Darren Summer commits the error of monophysitism at the end of his article because he says that Jesus is theandric.  That would not be accurate.

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