Friday, October 23, 2015

Kuyper's Stone Lectures at Old Princeton

I found the following photocopy version of the six lectures Abraham Kuyper gave at the Old Princeton seminary.  This is where Kuyper's doctrine of common grace was first introduced to the seminary.  I would contend that this was the beginning point here an incipient liberalism led the seminary away from the Westminster Standards and into liberalism.  Common grace is not mentioned in any of the Reformed confessions except the Canons of Dort and here it refers to the Arminian doctrine of common grace and is a negative assessment.

A similar situation soon developed at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia in the 1940s when Cornelius Van Til introduced Kuyper's views on common grace.  Van Til's neo-orthodoxy and theology of Scripture as apparently contradictory in all that it teaches has led to the Federal Vision heresy and to theonomy.

You can read Kuyper's Stone Lectures here:   Stone Lectures.

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