The irony of CBN interviewing Michael Horton about Christless Christianity when CBN is part of the problem is indeed a greatly disturbing notion. Even more ironic is the fact that in the first 27 seconds of the clip you will see the Anglican Church of North America and its new archbishop, Robert Duncan, being discussed. Why is this troublesome? Simply because the new ACNA province is predominately Anglo-Catholic, including Duncan himself. Anglo-Catholicism denies the doctrines of grace mentioned by Horton in this interview, including justification by faith alone and the substitutionary atonement for God's elect. The idea that we are sinners under the wrath of God and that God's wrath must be propitiated or that sins must be atoned for is something today's Evangelicals have totally forgotten. Pelagianism truly is on the rise.
The Vision (3.7.25): Put away the strange gods
16 hours ago
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