
Martyred for the Gospel

Martyred for the Gospel
The burning of Tharchbishop of Cant. D. Tho. Cranmer in the town dich at Oxford, with his hand first thrust into the fyre, wherwith he subscribed before. [Click on the picture to see Cranmer's last words.]

Daily Bible Verse

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Quote of the Day: Martin Luther on the Forgiveness of Sins

How are we to obtain remission of sins? Paul answers that the man known as Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has given himself for them. These are excellent and comforting words and promises—namely, that our sins are taken away only by the Son of God delivered up to death. It is with such gunshot and artillery that heathen religions must be destroyed, and all works, merit, and superstitious ceremonies as well. If our sins can be taken away by our own works and merits, why did the Son of God need to be given for them? But since he was given for them, it follows that we cannot put them away by our own works.

Again, this sentence makes it clear that our sins are so great and so invincible that it is impossible for the whole world to atone for even one of them. Surely the greatness of the ransom (namely, Christ the Son of God, who gave himself for our sins) is enough to show that we can neither atone for sin nor have dominion over it. The force and power of sin is made quite clear by these words: who gave himself for our sins. Here we must note the infinite price given for our wickedness, and then it will be clear that its power is so great that it could not be put away by any means except by the Son of God giving himself for it.

Anyone who considers these things properly will understand that this one word sins includes God’s everlasting wrath and the whole kingdom of Satan, and that it is something more horrible than can be expressed; this indeed ought to move us and make us afraid. But too often we are careless and make light of sin, as if it were nothing. Even though it brings with it the sting and remorse of conscience, we think we can get rid of it by some little work or merit.

But this sentence tells us that we are all servants and slaves to sin (compare Romans 7:14). It tells us that sin is a most cruel and mighty tyrant over everyone and cannot be vanquished by the power of any creatures, whether they are angels or human beings, but only by the sovereign and infinite power of Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins.

This sentence also gives singular comfort to the consciences of all who are terrified at the greatness of their sins. However invincible a tyrant sin is, Christ has overcome it through his death, and it cannot hurt those who believe in him. If we arm ourselves with this belief and hang on with all our hearts to Christ Jesus, there is light for us, and a sound judgment is given to us, so that we may rightly judge human situations around us. Sin is an invincible tyrant, but what about all who trust in their works to abolish and overcome sin? Here we immediately discern as wicked and pernicious all those sects by which the glory of God and of Christ is defaced and utterly taken away, and by which our own glory is advanced and established.

Luther, M. (1998). Galatians. The Crossway classic commentaries (37–38). Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books.

Soli Deo Gloria!!!


Reasonable Christian Blog Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the Holy Ghost; Answer. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen. 1662 Book of Common Prayer

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