
Martyred for the Gospel

Martyred for the Gospel
The burning of Tharchbishop of Cant. D. Tho. Cranmer in the town dich at Oxford, with his hand first thrust into the fyre, wherwith he subscribed before. [Click on the picture to see Cranmer's last words.]

Daily Bible Verse

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Anglican Formularies

  • Surely much of the dissension within Anglican churches since the mid-nineteenth century is the bitter fruit of not respecting the original intent of our framers. When the Anglican formularies become a kind of wax nose that can be shaped by partisans who were avowed enemies of the principles of the English Reformers, then is it any wonder that Anglicanism is in dire straights? As many of us are now involved in the recovery of authentic Anglicanism in North America, let us not shrink from the hard work of understanding the original intent of the Articles and the even harder job of really applying them to the teaching and practice of our congregations.

    GILLIS J. HARP is Professor of History, Grove City College, Grove City, USA
  • http://www.churchsociety.org/churchman/documents/Cman_116_3_Harp.pdf
The so-called "via media" principle of Anglicanism has tolerated outright heresy, including the ordination of practicing homosexuals and even the denial of the deity of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I think Professor Gillis makes an excellent point here. Is Anglicanism just a collection of disjointed sects that have nothing in common except an artificial communion that is merely superficial and not genuine? How can those who are strong advocates of the Protestant and Evangelical views on justification by faith alone be in true communion with those who advocate a form of justification that is based on the Roman Catholic version of infused righteousness? How can those of us who believe that apostolic doctrine is the same as the Protestant understanding of the Gospel be in communion with those who believe that tradition is equal with Holy Scripture?

These are questions worth asking. I wonder how sincere the framers of the agreement between the Reformed Episcopal Church and the Anglican Province in America really are?


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