I wrote the following comment to the editor of the online version of The Wittenburg Door, which is part of the Trinity Foundation, dedicated to exposing the fraudulent claims of TV evangelists and prosperity preachers. However, recently, the Trinity Foundation has tried to get the government to interfere in church finances so that the prosperity preachers cannot misuse the funds they raise. While on the surface this seems to be a worthy cause, now that John Bloom has confessed that he is against the Gospel or "anti" Christian, it seems to me that the real agenda of The Wittenburg Door is to attack conservative Christian values and to attack the conservative theology of the Bible. If you don't believe me, here is the e-mail I sent and Bloom's response. You can click on the link above to see the original article I commented on.
Dear John Bloom,
I have enjoyed reading your lampoons and satire of the television evangelists and the promoters of the prosperity gospel since I was a student at Southeastern College of the Assemblies of God, Lakeland, Florida around 1990. Your work to stop the abuses of television evangelists who exploit the poor and utilize loopholes in the law for their own personal wealth and aggrandizement is commendable.
However, that is where the accolades stop. Frankly, I'm appalled that you can even pretend to be a "Christian" when your magazine is obviously a promoter of liberal theology and social engineering. Since when did you get the right to re-write the Holy Bible so that sin isn't sin anymore? It is the very height of hypocrisy to pretend to be "righteous" while promoting ungodliness. Yes, I'm speaking about your views on sexual ethics and sexual immorality. The last time I checked the Bible still says that marriage is between one man and one woman. Sexual activity outside of a monogamous and heterosexual marriage was, is and always will be a sin worthy of excommunication and of exclusion from the kingdom of God. Yes, that includes the sin of homosexuality. ( http://www.wittenburgdoor.com/what-if-jesus-told-you-to-have-more-sex ).
Isn't it wonderful that you get to verbally abuse conservative Christians online because you have no morals? Those of us who are conservative actually believe that we will be judged by every idle word that we utter. It naturally follows that we must not verbally abuse our enemies no matter how offensive or how abusive they may be towards us. While I am no longer a Pentecostal, I am still a conservative Christian and a Calvinist. Yes, I believe God has predestined the reprobate to hell. Maybe that's you? I hope and pray that God will open your eyes before it is too late.
May God have mercy on us all,
Charlie J. Ray
P.S. I have removed the link to your magazine from my blog:
Here is Bloom's response:
Dear Charlie J. Ray,
The article you refer to is a review of a film that has a rather ridiculous premise about original sin. We didn't make the film, nor did our correspondent, Becky Garrison, endorse it. Since the founding of the Door in 1971, we've tried to keep up with all pop culture references to the gospel and other spiritual matters and this was another attempt along those lines. We don't hold our writers to a doctrinal creed, however, and if Becky had decided to make some statement about homosexuality, we would have been fine with that. There are many different views and positions present within Christianity today, and the Door reflects that. We don't single out anyone as reprobate, we leave that to God.
John Bloom
Web Editor
Here's my response to his response:
Thanks for the confirmation.
Jesus DID teach doctrine. You're as bad as the TV evangelists you exposed. You're both reprobates.
Jesus DID teach doctrine. You're as bad as the TV evangelists you exposed. You're both reprobates.
1 comment:
From: Joe Bob Briggs
To: Charlie J. Ray
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Christian?
Do you understand the concept of a film review? Do you understand that we don't make the films, we just review them?
My response:
Do you understand the concept that there is no such thing as "neutral" Christianity? You specifically stated that you do not require "any" doctrinal standards for your writers. Furthermore, the way the quotes were lifted from Craig Detweiler the article openly insinuated that Christianity is wrong for condemning homosexual behavior as sinful. The homosexuals at that meeting obviously took it as an endorsement that there is nothing wrong with homosexual behavior. I don't know Detweiler's position on homosexuality. However, I do know Jesus and Paul's position on the issue from what the Bible clearly and without ambiguity says. All sexual activity outside of a heterosexual and monogamous marriage is immoral and sinful.
What part of "thou shalt not" do you not understand?
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