
Martyred for the Gospel

Martyred for the Gospel
The burning of Tharchbishop of Cant. D. Tho. Cranmer in the town dich at Oxford, with his hand first thrust into the fyre, wherwith he subscribed before. [Click on the picture to see Cranmer's last words.]

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“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” -Romans 8:28 Listen to chapter

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Re: Fwd: Posting and Domination

Mr. Turner:

I don't recall condemning anyone.  What I said was that Anglo-Catholicism preaches another gospel.  Since this is the policy of your blog, I will be posting your e-mail to me to notify others.
There is nothing in the policy about posting answers to points raised.  All of my comments have been scholarly and to the point.  Even in my comments to the transexual, which you seem to think is a "Christian", I clearly pointed out that the Bible forbids self-mutilation and that God creates men as men and women as women.  Do you really think God makes mistakes?
Sadly, VirtueOnline and the new province you are so proud of is simply another liberal church which preaches another gospel and has no idea whatsoever what Scripture teaches.

I do not compromise.  Roman Catholics, Anglo-Catholics, and the Eastern Orthodox are condemned in the 39 Articles as "in error."  While I do not have the authority to judge where souls spend eternity, I do have the right to condemn false doctrine and I will continue to do so. 

However, I do thank you for admitting that you are biased in favor of heresy, which only confirms that VirtueOnline is apostate and sworn to uphold a false gospel.  I for one am not intimidated by your false authority.  If anything, you have only made me even more determined to sound the alarm and preach against AC-NA and your website.
Again, thanks for the heads up.



From: "Robert Turner" <webmaster@virtueonline.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 12:30 PM
To: <cranmer1959@gmail.com>
Cc: "Paul Taylor" <paul@virtueonline.org>; "David Virtue" <david@virtueonline.org>
Subject: Fwd: Posting and Domination

> Charlie,
> There is a significant difference between posting comments that engage
> the issues and dominating the discussion with language that is baiting
> and inflammatory.
> I deleted many of your comments at the end of David's piece on Bob
> Duncan for these reasons. Posting 6 or more comments in succession
> drives away other posters and makes the conversation confusing.
> Calling Anglo-Catholics, Orthodox and Roman Catholics apostate is
> inflammatory rhetoric that VOL expressly forbids. We do this to keep
> the conversation civil and engaged on the issues. It is not the
> purpose of VOL to convert people to a specific theological position;
> be it Evangelical, Reformed, Catholic, Roman or any other. Our good
> friend Phil Veitch thinks we are ducking our Christian responsibility
> with this position, but this is where we are none the less. We will
> preach Christ and him crucified and raised from the dead for our
> justification, but we have readers from across the church catholic.
> My instructions to you at the present time relative to posting on VOL are to:
> a) stick to the issues and not the personalities. Talk about
> justification if you like. But do so without condeming those who
> disagree with you.
> b) engage one issue at a time. If you wish to write 5 pages, please
> post that on your own blog; and feel free to include a link to that
> posting on VOL.
> All VOL members should feel free to post and express their opinion.
> Threads that are dominated by one poster discourage discussion.
> Best Regards,
> -Robert
> --
> Robert Turner
> webmaster, VOL
> http://www.VirtueOnline.org
> --
> Robert Turner
> webmaster, VOL
> http://www.VirtueOnline.org


Reformation said...

Am howling here. Since when has my name or posts been visible to the Virtual Windbag and Chaoticians?

Sheesh, I got honourable mention from Mr. Turner.

Am howling here.

Reformation said...

While I am not as harsh as Charlie, I do share the view that it is important to get the word out about this Virtual windbaggery, reductionism, and inconsistency.

Virtue is a puff-o-phile, revisionist, non-theologian, and dangerous for young people needing the well-considered Gospel of the Reformation.

I suspect Virtue to be a charismatic, if truth were to be told--and it's not. He's an authorized agent of defense for the ACNA agenda.

His recent posts on Nashotah House, TESM, and, of course, his unanalyzed ACNA reveal his bias.

Weber's discernment isn't high while his palaver is--as in the email--it's substantial. The other moderater, the AC-man, Paul Turner, is worse.

I surprised the Windbags used my name. Must be a concern to them. Howling here.

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