(1) welcomes the creation of the Province of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) under the leadership of Archbishop Bob Duncan and notes the GAFCON Primates' Council recognition of the ACNA as genuinely Anglican and its recommendation that Anglican Provinces affirm full communion with the ACNA and
(a) therefore expresses its desire to be in full communion with the ACNA, and
(b) furthermore, requests that Standing Committee seek to have a motion brought to the General Synod affirming that the Anglican Church of Australia be in full communion with the ACNA,
(2) welcomes Archbishop Duncan's assessment that the recent Vatican offer of a Personal Ordinariate 'will not be utilised by the great majority of the Anglican Church in North America's bishops, priests, dioceses and congregations' and urges all Anglicans to reject the Vatican's proposal, and
(3) asks the General Synod Standing Committee to
(a) bring the Anglican Covenant to the September 2010 General Synod in such a manner as to enable each diocesan synod to consider the document, and
(b) bring a motion to the General Synod noting the publication of the Jerusalem Declaration and to encourage its study as a means to Anglican identity and cohesion.
The Collect.
GRANT, we beseech thee, merciful Lord, to thy faithful people pardon and peace, that they may be cleansed from all their sins, and serve thee with a quiet mind; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
You said:
"The resolution make no distinction between co-belligerency and full communion. Rather what we see is the full and complete endorsement of the ACNA with no qualifications whatsoever."
Fair and straight-forward reading of the Resolution.
A most strong failure to bear witness courageously, courteously, kindly but firmly to the Protestant, Reformed and Calvinistic faith.
It's more unity and minimalism at the expense of biblical supremacy and exegesis.
Lets be clear there has never been a united view on such issues like the mechanics of salvation, eschatology, and other divisive issues in Christendom. I can argue from the scriptures all the viewpoints calvinism, arminism, anglicanism, and yes catholicism in the end we have to answer to those who laid the foundation and yes put together the first cannon of scripture. Your bashing reminds me of anabaptists.
Jaan, I can assure you that I am not an Anabaptist since my views are Reformed. I accept the 1662 Book of Common Prayer and the 39 Articles as binding and authoritative doctrine for the Anglican Communion. Do you?
There are many problems with the Sydney Anglicans, including a tendency toward pragmatism and certain Anabaptist views. However, I do not agree with them on those issues any more than I agree with their giving blanket approval to Anglo-Catholic heretics who are basically pelagians.
Than you would probably hate me I am a semi pelagianist as past down by Benedictines am not disagree with both St Augustine and Calvin. i also fall into the same vein as George MacDonald, Newman, Wesley and others who understood the bankruptcy of Calvinism which in many ways parallels the ideas in moderate islam. For me as Lewis Truth and religion is always complex Calvinism is unimaginative faith that attaches to much concentration on the soveriegnty of God to the point that individual creates his own image of God and treats the physical as unimportant not seeing the sacredness of God in all things physical and spiritual. God created us we are made in his image all of us carry grace of God he calls us to respond to that Grace already within us. We were all destined to be with him. He infuses us with his grace we are not totally depraved that is a doctrine of demons. We are seperated by are own choice and/or ignorance of God. I would ad salvation can be argued from three perspectives you are saved, you are being saved and will be saved which leads me to beleive salvation is a journey something the Church fathers also taught. Even Luther acknowledge this. This idea comes straight from the semi pelagianists and Origin who have been a huge infleunce among anglo catholics, broad churchmen, and monastics in both catholicism and anglicanism. In my opinion Calvinism is a dead religion falsely claiming that Christianity is based on a book when it is based on Christ and him alone. The Bible is just part of the great tradition is not the whole. 39 articles acknowledge this fact when they say the Bible contains everything necessary for salvation and that is all. So yes I am a happy heretic and am in agreement with sydney. I am a anglican first and from catholic wing that has always existed within the Anglican Church.
Yes but I read them from a anglo catholic perspective. I once was a fundamentalism I found the beliefs of Calvin bankrupt and rejected along time ago. I guess like I said I am influenced by the writings of the Church Fathers, Richard Hooker, Newman, Pusey. ABC Ramsey, and others in the Anglo Catholic Stream, I am also infuenced by Franciscan and Benedictine sprituality and the emergent christian movement. The Reformation is over and caused more destruction in its wake than good. I take a semi pelagasist stand.
Jaan, semi-pelagianism leads to atheism. Your views seem to indicate you have a universalist view that all men are bound for heaven and there is no hell. All religions lead to God even if they are diametrically opposed to one another with contradictory doctrines. That is heresy.
The Bible teaches God's justice and absolute sovereignty. Islam's doctrine of God makes him capricious but the biblical doctrine does not remove man's responsibility and accountability. I would suggest you read the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 3 on God's decrees and Article 17 of the 39 Articles; Article 17 deals with Predestination.
It is truly sad when people do not place the authority of Scripture above all else. Augustine got his doctrine of election and reprobation from Scripture.
Two things you are aware of St Augustine's statement that if I had to take the scripture literally I would not be a Christian most teaching came from his own experience and adaptation of Greek philosophy. 2nd point semi pelagianism unlike its cousin does except origional sin and does not lead to atheism but in my view leads to a healthier view of Christianity and dominated the celtic church before the advent the Roman church on the english isles.
Again there was no such thing as a scripture only church before radical reformers and thier descendents. No where do I read a scripture only phrase in the 39 articles again what I read is the scriptures contain everything necessary for salvation. Richard Hooker understood this the three legged stool scripture tradition and reason working together.
The church is a secondary authority. The church has no authority to allegorize Scripture where the text is not meant to be allegorized. Furthermore, Augustine took a more literal method than Origen who allegorized everywhere. Origen also believed in universal salvation and denied eternal punishment among other heresies.
I have little time for debating so I will leave it at this. But the bottom line is that Anglicanism has gone liberal because it placed reason and tradition on equal par with Scripture. Scripture is the final revelation and authority--not the church, not tradition, and most of all, not reason!
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