From EVNews:
The Daily Telegraph reports today that former Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, has spoken out about how Christians are being "bullied" out of public life in Britain while politicians fail to stand up for their beliefs.
In a talk given at Parliament, organised by the Christian Broadcasting Council, George Carey spoke about the persecution encountered by churchgoers in many foreign countries, then described how Christianity in the UK is being marginalised.
Lord Carey said: "What is happening in Western Europe is not persecution but a marginalising of faith which seeks to portray it as a matter of personal conscience only.
"Some examples of this originate from a mistaken but well-meant political correctness that is anxious not to upset minority faiths by seeming to 'privilege' Christianity.
"Hence the regular 'pantomime' every Christmas where some local Council or another absurdly gives Christmas another name.
"Of course, I not am denying for one moment that since 9/11 and the date is significant a new breed of atheists have moved into the public square arguing that Christianity, or any other faith, should have no role in public life.
"This strident and bullying campaign seeks to ban faith schools, in spite of the clear evidence that such schools perform better than many others. We have reached a point where politicians are now criticised and mocked for merely expressing their faith.
"It is clear that we must stand up against the marginalising of faith. We must constantly remind society, of its Christian roots and heritage. As I wrote recently, if we behave like doormats, don't be surprised if we are treated as though we are."
He added that Christians should "prevail upon politicians" to speak up for their beliefs, saying: "I simply cannot imagine any Prime Minister of England saying that his major concern is that Britain remains a Christian nation. And that reticence is a scandal and a disgrace."
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Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the Holy Ghost;
Answer. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen.
Answer. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen.
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