Martyred for the Gospel
Daily Bible Verse
Saturday, August 07, 2010
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Defends the Gospel of Jesus Christ and classical confessional Calvinism. The term "Reformed" refers to the five solas of the Reformation and the two classical confessional standards: the Three Forms of Unity, and the Westminster Standards. Isaiah 1:18; Romans 12:1,2.
Incarnation Part 1 Incarnation Part 2 Incarnation Part 3 Incarnation Part 4 Incarnation Part 5 Incarnation Part 6 Incarnat...
The True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD; and the Word was GOD." John 1:1
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." John 1:14
Truth is a person, and that person is one, and that person is Jesus Christ.
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life."
These are the words of Jesus Christ in John 14:6
Therefore, truth is one. There can be only one truth, as there can be only one Jesus Christ.
Whatever Jesus Christ said is true, because He said it.
"He who does not believe the Son, makes Him a liar."
1John 5:10
To worship bread and wine is idolatry. The virtual and true body of Jesus Christ is in heaven at the right hand of the Father. To say that His human nature is ubiquitous is to deny His true humanity and commit the monophysite heresy. It is to confuse the two natures into one divine nature. That might also imply the docetic error where Jesus only "appears" to be human but never becomes fully human.
The true body and blood of Christ is received by faith through the Holy Spirit in the sacrament but not in the bread and wine. We call the bread and wine the body and blood of Christ after the consecration because of what the elements represent and not because of what they actually are. The church mouse is eating bread and drinking wine and nothing more.
The "Jesus" of Rome is not the Jesus of the Bible. 2 Corinthians 11:3-4.
Back on task.
We'll have to see what emerges with Kenny. The date is recent on the blog too.
Yes, I checked that blog out. I think the guy criticizing Copeland is still wacked out but at least he's moving in the right direction! :)
I've never liked Kenneth Copeland. All my old Pentecostal friends here in Wauchula are still duped. Not much I can say to change their minds. I pretty much avoid them because we have nothing in common anymore.
Thanks for sharing that link on FB, Phil.
Hi, Rich...
I don't remember exactly what I said to you in the message since I've been busy. I guess I do not agree with you that "character" is what makes someone a "genuine" Christian, although that is certainly an important factor. You see when you talk about character you're really lifting up good works as the basis for Christianity. Any talk about "transformation", "character"," good behavior" and all the rest is really just Law in disguise. The "Law" is anything that Christians "should" do or anything Christians "ought" to do or any command whatsoever. Since God demands absolute sinlessness, "character" can never be the basis for our justification before God. All sin and fall short of the mark.
It's good that you have rejected Kenneth Copeland as a false prophet. But judging from what I could see at your blog and website you have only stepped back 2 steps. The fact that you think unity is more important than doctrine shows that you don't get what the Gospel is about quite yet.
Scripture IS about doctrine. That much is obvious. Jesus came teaching and preaching. He came to bring division, not peace. Doctrine divides false prophets from true prophets. Copeland is not just dishonest. He's teaching a false gospel and another Christ (Galatians 1:6-8; 2 Corinthians 11:3-4).
You might want to check out my "testimony" at my blog (although I dislike the term "testimony"):
My Conversion to the Doctrines of Grace and the Gospel
Does the Bible Teach "Doctrine"?
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