
Martyred for the Gospel

Martyred for the Gospel
The burning of Tharchbishop of Cant. D. Tho. Cranmer in the town dich at Oxford, with his hand first thrust into the fyre, wherwith he subscribed before. [Click on the picture to see Cranmer's last words.]

Daily Bible Verse

Friday, June 08, 2012

Gleanings of Grace: Eight Statements on Justifying Faith by Martin Luther

Thanks to Eric Wilson's Gleanings of Grace blog on sovereign grace for the following eight statements by Martin Luther on justifying faith:

 Eight Statements on Justifying Faith by Martin Luther 


 1. Faith without works is sufficient for salvation, and alone justifies

 2. Justifying faith is a sure trust, by which one believes that his sins are remitted for Christ's sake; and they that are justified are to believe certainly that their sins are remitted.

3. By faith only we are able to appear before God, who neither regards nor has need of our works; faith only purifying us.

4. No previous disposition is necessary to justification; neither does faith justify because it disposes us, but because it is a means or instrument by which the promise and grace of God are laid hold on and received.

5. All the works of men, even the most sanctified, are sin.

6. Though the just ought to believe that his works are sins, yet he ought to be assured that they are not imputed.

7. Our righteousness is nothing but the imputation of the righteousness of Christ; and the just have need of a continual justification and imputation of the righteousness of Christ.

8. All the justified are received into equal grace and glory; and all Christians are equally great with the virgin Mary, and as much saints as she is.

Click here to see the original post:   Gleanings of Grace: Eight Statements on Justifying Faith by Martin Luther


Jack Miller said...

Golden truths from Luther. Thanks, Charlie!

Charlie J. Ray said...

You're welcome, Jack. Someone else pointed this out to me, though. Peace:)

It's sad that Joshua Lim and Jason Stellman have apostasized. The appeal to self-righteousness is a strong one I suppose.

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