
Martyred for the Gospel

Martyred for the Gospel
The burning of Tharchbishop of Cant. D. Tho. Cranmer in the town dich at Oxford, with his hand first thrust into the fyre, wherwith he subscribed before. [Click on the picture to see Cranmer's last words.]

Daily Bible Verse

Monday, September 03, 2012

Fifty-two Days of the Heidelberg Catechism: Day 1

[Note:  The superscript letters coincide with the Scripture proof texts for that section of the answer.

Introduction (Q. 1-2)

Lord's Day 1 

Question 1: What is thy only comfort in life and death? 

Answer: That I with body and soul, both in life and death, a am not my own, b but belong unto my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ; c who, with his precious blood, has fully satisfied for all my sins, d and delivered me from all the power of the devil; e and so preserves me f that without the will of my heavenly Father, not a hair can fall from my head; g yea, that all things must be subservient to my salvation, h and therefore, by his Holy Spirit, He also assures me of eternal life, i and makes me sincerely willing and ready, henceforth, to live unto him. j 

References: a Rom.14:7,8. b 1 Cor.6:19. c 1 Cor.3:23; Tit.2:14. d 1 Pet.1:18,19; 1 John 1:7; 1 John 2:2,12. e Heb.2:14; 1 John 3:8; John 8:34-36. f John 6:39; John 10:28; 2 Thess.3:3; 1 Pet.1:5. g Matt.10:29-31; Luke 21:18. h Rom.8:28. i 2 Cor.1:20-22; 2 Cor.5:5; Eph.1:13,14; Rom.8:16. j Rom.8:14; 1 John 3:3.   

Question 2: How many things are necessary for thee to know, that thou, enjoying this comfort, mayest live and die happily? 

Answer: Three; a the first, how great my sins and miseries are; b the second, how I may be delivered from all my sins and miseries; c the third, how I shall express my gratitude to God for such deliverance. d 

References: a Matt.11:28-30; Luke 24:46-48; 1 Cor.6:11; Tit.3:3-7. b John 9:41; John 15:22. c John 17:3; Acts 4:12; Acts 10:43. d Eph.5:8-11; 1 Pet.2:9,10; Rom.6:1,2,12,13.

StevePerk1@sbcglobal.net (2011-10-24). Heidelberg Catechism (Kindle Locations 30-43). Unknown. Kindle Edition. 

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