Martyred for the Gospel
Daily Bible Verse
“In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.” -Psalm 62:7
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Saturday, October 12, 2013
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Justification by faith alone comes from looking to the cross and what Christ did for us. This is the basis or foundation of assurance. However, a fruit of regenerations and justifying faith is the "result" of obedience to God's law, however imperfect that obedience may be.
See: Luther on Good Works
Furthermore, you should read Luther on The Bondage of the Will. You believe in Arminianism. I believe in the sovereignty of God.
The Bondage of the Will
Doubt is not faith. Doubt is doubt. If you are doubting, it means you are yet under the law. Assurance is an assent to the infallible promises of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20
We find many who pray, fast, establish endowments, do this or that, lead a good life before men, and yet if you should ask them whether they are sure that what they do pleases God, they say, "No"; they do not know, or they doubt. And there are some very learned men, who mislead them, and say that it is not necessary to be sure of this; and yet, on the other hand, these same men do nothing else but teach good works. Now all these works are done outside of faith, therefore they are nothing and altogether dead. For as their conscience stands toward God and as it believes, so also are the works which grow out of it. Now they have no faith, no good conscience toward God, therefore the works lack their head, and all their life and goodness is nothing. Hence it comes that when I exalt faith and reject such works done without faith, they accuse me of forbidding good works, when in truth I am trying hard to teach real good works of faith.
Martin Luther on Good Works
Those who teach that faith gives no assurance are not teaching Luther's view or the view taught in Scripture. They are teaching the eternal insecurity of the papists and their doctrine of faith plus works as the basis for justification. Justification is by faith alone. (Romans 4:1-8).
I should add that Calvin did not advocate looking within himself to find assurance of salvation:
2. Christian liberty seems to me to consist of three parts. First, the consciences of believers, while seeking the assurance of their justification before God, must rise above the law, and think no more of obtaining justification by it. For while the law, as has already been demonstrated (supra, chap. 17, sec. 1), leaves not one man righteous, we are either excluded from all hope of justification, or we must be loosed from the law, and so loosed as that no account at all shall be taken of works. For he who imagines that in order to obtain justification he must bring any degree of works whatever, cannot fix any mode or limit, but makes himself debtor to the whole law. Therefore, laying aside all mention of the law, and all idea of works, we must in the matter of justification have recourse to the mercy of God only; turning away our regard from ourselves, we must look only to Christ. For the question is, not how we may be righteous, but how, though unworthy and unrighteous, we may be regarded as righteous. If consciences would obtain any assurance of this, they must give no place to the law.
.... For when the conscience feels anxious as to how it may have the favor of God, as to the answer it could give, and the confidence it would feel, if brought to his judgment-seat, in such a case the requirements of the law are not to be brought forward, but Christ, who surpasses all the perfection of the law, is alone to be held forth for righteousness. Calvin on Justification by Faith Alone and Assurance of Salvation.
From: Institutes III, xix, 2–3. Calvin, J. (1997). Institutes of the Christian religion. Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
Assurance and Perseverance
By the way, your refusal to post dissenting views indicates insecurity in your beliefs. I welcome all comments on my orthodox Lutheran blog:
Your brother in Christ,
Gary, you are free to post whatever you like at your own blog. I'm under no obligation to post propaganda here. If you want to debate me, fine. But I'm not going to post your propaganda while you refuse to engage me on the issues....
Luther was more in line with Calvin than with modern neo-orthodox Lutherans.
I am not in the least intimidated by stupidity:)
Calvin upheld looking outside ourselves for assurance of salvation. Read it and weep, son.
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