
Martyred for the Gospel

Martyred for the Gospel
The burning of Tharchbishop of Cant. D. Tho. Cranmer in the town dich at Oxford, with his hand first thrust into the fyre, wherwith he subscribed before. [Click on the picture to see Cranmer's last words.]

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“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” -Romans 6:23 Listen to chapter

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Monday, February 17, 2025

Should Women Be Ordained to Ministry? Deacons or Otherwise? Part 2


“Calvinistic ethics depends on revelation.  The distinction between right and wrong is not identified by an empirical discovery of natural law, as with Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, nor by the logical formalism of Kant, and certainly not by utilitarianism’s impossible calculation of the greatest good for the greatest number, but by God’s revelation of the Ten Commandments.  This revelation came first in God’s act of creating man in his own image so that certain basic moral principles were implanted in his heart, later to be vitiated by sin; second, there were some special instructions given to Adam and Noah, which no doubt overlapped and expanded the innate endowment; third, the more comprehensive revelation to Moses; plus, fourth, the various subsidiary precepts in the remainder of the Bible.” 

Dr. Gordon H. Clark.  Essays on Ethics and Politics.  John Robbins, ed.  (Jefferson:  Trinity Foundation, 1992)  Pp. 3-4.



Should Women Be Ordained to Ministry?  Deacons or Otherwise?  Part 2


In this post I will discuss the creation of humanity, or the more accurate term, mankind.  The revisionists are continually trying to rewrite the common English language to reflect their ideological agenda.  Recently, there was a story where a feminist congress woman said that we cannot use the term manufacture because the word has “man” in it.  The ridiculousness of the progressive Marxist movement is out of hand, and it has infiltrated the Evangelical churches through an unbiblical ideology of egalitarianism in the Christian family. 

The first mention of the creation of mankind is in Genesis chapter 1.  However, in chapter 2 of Genesis we have a further particularization of how God created mankind.  In chapter 1 we are told that God created them male and female.  Notice that in chapter 1 the reference to humanity is singular and then plural: 

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Gen. 1:26-27 KJV)

If you doubt that the King James translation is accurate in giving the singular and plural forms of the Hebrew words, you can consult Biblehub.com to check the Biblical Hebrew Interlinear:  Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 1:27.

In chapter one we have two different words that convey God’s creation.  In Genesis 1:1 the word used for God’s creating the heavens and the earth is the Hebrew word “bara”.  This word in verse 1 refers to creation by divine fiat or ex nihilo, out of nothing.  But in Genesis 1:26 the word used for God’s act of creating is the word “asa”, which means to fashion or work.  In other words, mankind is not created out of nothing as was the universe in verse 1, but God creates man and woman out of pre-existing materials that He had already created ex nihilo or by divine fiat.  We also know this from the parallel account of creation in Genesis 2:7, 21-23.  It should be noted, on the other hand, that in Genesis 1:27 the word “bara” is used, not “asa”.  This is because only man of all the animals created is created in God’s image.  Man alone of the animals is the rational and intellectual image of God.  (John 1:1, 9; Genesis 1:27; Genesis 9:6; 1 Corinthians 11:7).

However, in Genesis 1:27 we have a play on words.  Whereas verse 26 uses the word “asa” to make mankind, a qal imperfect cohortative, to show what He is planning to do, the verse says also that God will “make” man (singular) after “our” (plural) image.  Note also that the word for God in Genesis 1:27 is Elohim, the majestic plurality.  Here the verse is clearly referring to mankind as a whole.

Moreover, in chapter 2 we learn that God creates the first man as one person, Adam.  Next, God sees that Adam of all the animals is alone and has no mate or helper.  So out of Adam’s rib God creates Eve, the mother of all humanity.  This is important because the apostle Paul elaborates on this information.   Adam was formed first; then, God formed Eve from Adam’s rib, and Adam called her woman because she was taken out of the man.  (1 Timothy 2:13; 1 Corinthians 11:8; Genesis 2:23).  Liberals will contend that Adam and Eve are not historical persons because the Genesis creation account in chapter 1 and 2 are disparate accounts, not parallel accounts of the same historical events.  The critics also contend that the Hebrew word is not the name of a man but is instead a generic term for mankind as a whole.  Thus, they see chapter 2 as an etiological myth to explain the difference between male and female human beings. 

In contradiction to this, the Bible assigns a name to the woman.  Her name is Eve, the mother of all the living.  (Genesis 3:20).  We can then see that Adam is not just a generic term but the name of the first Adam.  (Genesis 3:9).  This is confirmed in the New Testament as well.  (Romans 5:12-14).  In fact, Adam is called the Son of God, the first man.  (Luke 3:38).  It is no mistake that the Reformed theologians refer to Adam as the federal head of the human race, not Eve.

Modern feminist theologians have tried to re-imagine God as a female.  However, the use of masculine pronouns in reference to God throughout the Old Testament flies in the face of this innovation.

In 1995 during my field training class required to obtain the master of divinity degree from Asbury Theological seminary, I opted to do my field experience by doing one unit of clinical pastor education through Hospice of the Bluegrass in Lexington, Kentucky.  There is another major seminary in the Lexington area which is associated with the Disciples of Christ.  The Disciples of Christ was originally a product of the Second Great Awakening.  The Cane Ridge revivals just north of Lexington produced growth in several denominations in the area, including the Methodists, the Presbyterians and the Baptists.  In order to preserve the fruits of the revival, Charles Finney and others decided to stop emphasizing doctrinal distinctives and reject formal creeds and confessions of faith.  Thus, the saying was that there is no creed but Christ.  Unfortunately, this position has led to the extreme liberalism of the Disciples of Christ as a mainline denomination.

Of the students in the class there was a retired mainline Presbyterian minister who was a member of the Presbyterian Church in the USA, another liberal denomination.  There was a female student from Lexington Theological Seminary, which is the Disciples of Christ school.  And, there was a male student from the Free Methodist Church who had recently graduated from Asbury with the M. Div. degree.  The supervisor of the class was an intern herself.  She was a nun with the Roman Catholic Church.  At the beginning she told us that she would be evaluating us as students, and, that we would be evaluating her to determine if she would become a supervisor in the CPE program.

At the time, I was still a Pentecostal and had no objections to the ordination of women.  I stupidly thought that this would deflect any criticism by the two liberals and the Roman Catholic nun.  I misread the Free Methodist, who was doing another unit of CPE because he was employed by Hospice of the Bluegrass.  I thought the Free Methodist would be immune to any re-imaging of God as a female.  I was wrong.  I was familiar with the re-imaging movement by feminists because at that point in time it was being openly promoted and even affirmed by some progressive Evangelicals.

The fireworks started on day one because the Roman Catholic nun, an elderly lady, insisted that we pray together as a group.  What I did not know is that apparently there was interaction already taking place before I arrived in the class.  When I prayed, I ended my part of the prayer with a traditional ending to most impromptu Pentecostal prayers.  The ending goes something like this: “Father God, thank You for hearing our prayers and petitions.  I thank You and praised you in the wonderful name above all names, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” 

The next time we met I was immediately called out and challenged by the supervisor, Jean.  This was the beginning of many challenges I had to face during that class, which met at the offices of Hospice of the Bluegrass.  However, early on I decided that I would never compromise my faith to appease papists and theological liberals or even mainline Free Methodists.  The very first thing that happened on the second meeting was that Jean, the Catholic nun, objected to my prayer.   I was confused at first because I did not see that there was anything controversial about it.  Jean said that I should not pray to God as my Father.  Now this really piqued my interest because I had been taught to pray the model prayer since about first grade through the fourth grade in elementary school in Weaver, Alabama.  “Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name . . .”  (Matthew 6:9; Luke 11:2).

When I asked why not I was informed that the married female student from Lexington Theological Seminary had been sexually molested as a child by her biological father.  So, my first dilemma is whether to cave to the liberals and the papist, all of whom said that they had no problem praying to God as “mother.”  I decided then and there that there would be no compromise and that no one had the right to tell me what to believe.  The Bible is the final authority for me, and it has never changed.  Unfortunately, there are Pentecostals and Charismatics today who no longer believe that the Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.  Their Pentecostal experiences trump and override the Bible.

So began a theological debate in which I was put on the defensive by the other three students and the papist nun.  Asked why I refused to compromise, I explained that the Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice because it is the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God.  I explained that the Bible determines what I believe and not what any theologian has to say on such matters.  I also explained that Jesus was a male and that He taught us to pray to our Father in heaven, which, I pointed out, even the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church calls for.  At this point, the papist nun, Jean, stopped me in my statement and informed me that her church did not pray to God the Father.   I argued with her about it and said that I happen to know enough about the Roman Catholic Church to know that whatever her parish was doing was not in line with the official doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church.  She persisted in saying that it was not true, despite the fact that she was obviously equivocating.  She played the victim card, insisting that I should not pray to God as Father.  To which I responded that the molestation of the female student was not my problem and that I would not compromise simply because her biological father had molested her and that she had a problem with imagining God as her Father.

Jean brought up a couple of biblical metaphors where God is said to care for us as a mother nurses her baby.  You can see a few examples of these verses here:  Female Images of God in the Bible.  Apparently, there is a movement within the Roman Catholic Church to push for the ordination of women as priests.  As I said before, at the time I did not object to the ordination of women because of my affiliation with the Assemblies of God.  But the line they wanted me to cross was praying to God by the title of “Mother God.”  I informed the nun that Pentecostals do not pray to Mary as the mother of God.  But she insisted that this was praying not to Mary but to God as the Mother.  I was taken aback to be honest.  The next thing she brought up after I insisted that Jesus was a male and the Son of God was that in the book of Proverbs Jesus is personified as a female, Sophia.  After some study, I did find out that the Septuagint translation of the book of Proverbs does indeed use the Greek word Sophia for the word “wisdom”.  However, I informed her that the Protestant churches do not view the Septuagint as an inspired translation.  The Hebrew word is not Sophia.  In short, there is no reference to any woman named Sophia in the book of Proverbs.  Rather than go into a long detour on the matter, I refer you to the article from “Got Questions?” here:  “Does the Bible teach that Sophia is the goddess of wisdom?”

After I insisted that I would not be changing the way that I prayed, Jean suggested that I was being insensitive to the female who had been molested.  My response was clear and unambiguous.  I would not pray to God as mother because the title that Jesus Himself commanded us to use was God the Father.  Jesus prayed to God as Father many times in the Bible, even saying that He and His Father were one.  (John 10:30, 12:45, 14:7, 14:9, et. al.).  The entire class that session turned into a theological debate.  I held my ground.  At the end, Jean asked me not to pray that way.  To which I responded that I would not. So, she asked me what solution I could offer.  I offered that we should not pray together at all.  This was something of a shocker to me because I had expected the fake Evangelical Free Methodist to back me up.  Instead, he sided with the liberals.  Honestly, I was not comfortable praying with liberals and papists anyway because I did not view them as born again Christians.

In a later attack, they asked me how I felt about homosexuals.  I again stood my ground and said that it was an abomination because the Bible said.  Then, they played the victim card again.  Turns out that one of the social workers at the hospice was a gay man whose name now escapes me.  Before that session I had gotten along fine with that social worker.  I noticed later that his countenance had changed toward me.  I did not compromise.  I treated him as I would anyone else, not withstanding my objection to the sin of homosexuality.

During the course, I was attacked over and over again and at one point I openly asked Jean if she was planning to fail me for the class because of my commitments to the Bible as my authority.  She refused to answer, implying to me at the time that she was planning to write a bad review.  So, that was a mistake on her part.  I was so incensed by even the thought of my being discriminated against because of my Evangelical faith that I wrote a scathing review of Jean’s handling of the situation.  I said pretty much what I said above and charged her with constantly attacking my faith.  In short, the supposedly tolerant ones were intolerant of my Evangelical faith and my right to the freedom of religion.  No one has the right to tell anyone else what their religious beliefs should be.  (Acts 5:29).

On the final day of the class, we all read our reviews.  The other students all went first.  Jean read her review of me, in which I was surprised to learn that she had not rejected me from passing the evaluation.  I read my review last.  It was a scathing review, as I said before.  I stand by that review because I felt attacked by all five of the others during the entire class.  After I read the review, I was reminded by the other students that Jean needed a good review from all four of us in order to pass her evaluation to become a CPE supervisor.  I told them that I could not lie about what I truthfully thought about her treatment of the class.  I got up and left first.

Jesus promised us that when we were called before councils and authorities that God would give us the words to say.  (Luke 12:11-12).  Jesus kept that promise. 

In my next post, I will address several passages of Scripture used by the Pentecostals to justify the ordination of women.  Ironically, most of these passages are same passages used by the liberals, progressives and feminists to justify the ordination of women to church offices.


You can read the previous post of this series here:  Should Women Be Ordained to Ministry? Part 1.



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