
Martyred for the Gospel

Martyred for the Gospel
The burning of Tharchbishop of Cant. D. Tho. Cranmer in the town dich at Oxford, with his hand first thrust into the fyre, wherwith he subscribed before. [Click on the picture to see Cranmer's last words.]

Daily Bible Verse

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Postmodernism and the Decline of Western Science

With the advent of postmodernism and the departure of the soft sciences from empirical, evidentiary discipline we begin to see the spiraling of science itself into absurdities where reason itself contradicts itself. A good example of this is the transgender movement, homosexuality and gay rights movement, and abortion. It seems obvious that political clout can influence the sciences more than pure science itself.

I guess Thomas Kuhn was right after all. Science is not so much dependent on pure reason and the facts or evidentiary and logical proofs as it is dependent on authoritative sociological factors like peer pressure and dominant paradigms. Seizing the insight of Kuhn, the gay rights and transgender rights movements have actually been able to overturn the dominant paradigm within the scientific community simply by exerting political muscle in the media. Hence, we see homosexuality no longer described as a psychological disorder in the American Psychological Association's catalogue of disorders, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR Fourth Edition.

How long will it be before the transgender lobby also overturns current "science" which describes the transgender condition as a disorder? As it stands now, according to the DSM-IV-TR 4th ed., Gender Identity Disorder is still as disorder contra Barbara Walters and ABC's 20/20:

Gender Identity Disorder is where a persons anatomical sex and their gender identity conflict. This is also called transsexualism. In this disorder, there is a desire to be rid of one's own gender appropriate anatomy and to live as a person of the opposite gender. These people often, but not always, cross-dress to be in line with their gender identity. Increasingly, numbers of those with this disorder are choosing surgical interventions.  (See: Medical Interventions).  (Note:  This is apparently a dead link now.  Sorry about that.)

Notice that the sick patient chooses to mutilate himself or herself with the full approval of the treating psychiatrist/psychologist. Could it be that doctors of psychology and psychiatry are more interested in personal profit than the well being of the patient? Instead of curing the patient of the disorder the doctor helps the patient to mutilate his or her body to conform with the irrational thinking at the root of the disorder.

What other disease is treated by giving the patient the power to treat himself or herself? I suppose we should just dispose of the medical profession altogether and let the patients treat themselves?

If the current trend continues, science itself is headed back toward the dark ages where superstition and magic were dominate over reason. Perhaps we need a healthy dose of Enlightenment/modernist thinking to check this irrational trend toward postmodernist irrationality? Just a thought.

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