
Martyred for the Gospel

Martyred for the Gospel
The burning of Tharchbishop of Cant. D. Tho. Cranmer in the town dich at Oxford, with his hand first thrust into the fyre, wherwith he subscribed before. [Click on the picture to see Cranmer's last words.]

Daily Bible Verse

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Gordon H. Clark: Infallibility of Scripture

"No doubt the Romish claim [to magisterial infallibility of the church] is reprehensible; but orthodox Protestants must not immediately dismiss all further concern.  They must ask whether in in their own thought, buried below the surface, a claim to infallibility is made.  This is not an easy question to answer.  On the one hand, the Calvinist is most ready to acknowledge his sinfulness and ignorance; the heart even of the regenerate is deceitful above measure; and God has not promised him freedom from error.  The Westminster Confession asserts that even 'councils may err and many have erred.'  On the other hand, Scripture is perspicuous; it was addressed to ordinary people, the poor, the slaves, the uneducated in Corinth and Rome.  God obviously intended that they should understand it.  How can an ordinary person make a mistake when he says that the Bible teaches the virgin birth?  How could a Roman slave or a Corinthian businessman be confused as to the fact that the New Testament says that Christ rose from the dead?  Is not everyone infallible on these simple points?"

Gordon H. Clark, Karl Barth's Theological Method, (Unicoi:  Trinity Foundation, 1997), pp. 143-144.

1 comment:

Charlie J. Ray said...

Obviously, Van Tilians do not believe this since for them the Bible is not really the Word of God after all. It is merely an analogy of God's Word. According to R. Scott Clark, who can really know that Christ rose from the dead and how can they know what God knows about the resurrection? Does God really know Christ rose from the dead? Not according to R. Scott Clark. And I might add that Mike Horton views Scripture as "inspired myth." It follows, therefore, that neither of them believe the Bible is literally the Word of God. Rather, their view is the same as the view espoused by Karl Barth. Horton gives himself away by his view that preaching is the Word of God, which is Barth's view, not the view of the Protestant Reformers. The Word of God is the Bible alone, although Jesus is also called the Word of God. But it must be remembered that we cannot know who Jesus is except through the Scriptures!


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